AI Created This Thumbnail

AI Created This Thumbnail


2 min read


The thumbnail that you are looking at before clicking on this post is actually created by an AI called Midjourney. Yes! This is shocking of course, as when we think of AI creating pictures, its usually sloppy and really messed up. Doesn't look very promising, does it? Well-proved to be wrong, Midjourney is a revolutionary AI-powered tool developed by an independent research lab, which can generate pictures from any descriptive text you type.

With a few lines of text, this AI is able to generate such beautiful pieces of art. I was really fascinated when I first found out about Midjourney, on a random YouTube video. I spent a few days creating images and it was AWESOME! Let me show you a few examples of art created by this AI, and then we'll talk about how you can access it.

These Are Some Art Pieces Created by Midjourney. Very Cool!

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So, How Can You Access Midjourney?

Pretty simple! You can check out their website and join their discord server to gain access to creating art. After logging onto their server, accept the terms and conditions/rules and regulations, and then begin creating art by entering "/imagine" along with the prompt that you wish to create in their newbie channels. Additional information found on their discord server.